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Rapports et publications, Assurance indicielle, Sujets émergents, Global | 2021
In recent years, significant developments have been seen in index-based insurance. Good results are stemming from innovative and more accurate indices - jurisdictions are better adapting business

Rapports et publications, Principes de base de l'assurance inclusive, Global | 2020
Download the report on the 10th Anniversary Conference: high level forum and expert symposium below. On 2–3 September 2019, over 70 insurance supervisors, development partners, practitioners and

Rapports et publications, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Sujets émergents, Afrique, Asie-Pacifique, Amérique latine et Caraïbes | 2020
Stimuler le dialogue : les autorités de réglementation et de contrôle des assurances, les décideurs politiques, les assureurs, les réassureurs, les courtiers, les experts du changement climatique, les

Rapports et publications, Climate Risk/Disaster Insurance, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020
This consultation call took place on 30 January 2020 and was based on A2ii's thematic report: the role of insurance supervisors in climate risk insurance . The call provided highlights from the

Présentations, Rapports et publications, Sujets émergents, Global | 2020
Advancements in digital technologies brings both benefits and challenges to the insurance industry, and the financial sector in general. In recent years, cloud computing is increasingly being used in