InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
InsurTech and Mobile Insurance
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Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global | 2019
Over the course of 2018, the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS), the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and Microinsurance Network (MiN) organised three Consultative Forums

Presentations, Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2019
On 24 October the IAIS, A2ii and Microinsurance Network in partnership with the Association of Insurance Supervisors of Latin America (ASSAL) and the Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN)

Presentations, Reports, Data Protection, Global | 2019
Emerging technological innovations, the use of big data and AI hold great potential to reach out to new customers, offers consumers greater value products and enhance operating effeciency. Digital

Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Africa, Global | 2018
Digital technologies are rapidly changing the insurance landscape worldwide. In Africa currently, mobile insurance is prevalent, but other digital technologies are on the rise too, helping to provide

Reports, InsurTech and Mobile Insurance, Global | 2018
Despite its significant potential, there has been little regulatory and supervisory guidance on m-insurance. The Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) commissioned this study in order to address the