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Reports, Gender, Latin America & the Caribbean | 2022

Case Study: Women Leaders in Insurance Supervisory Organisations - Catalysts for Women's Access to Insurance

In inclusive insurance supervision, a gender-sensitive regulator is likely to formulate and produce gender-sensitive policies. Such policies encourage and support products and services development that empower women by controlling their specific risks. Women-
specific risks have a spillover effect on their households and communities.

In Argentina, 42% of people live in poverty. Women make up 70% of the lowest-income section of Argentinian society. For the women belonging to this segment, their major economic activity is domestic work, and it is one of the lowest-paid jobs. It is estimated that there are 1.5 million domestic workers in Argentina and 95% of these are women. Like most poor sections of our society, this segment also is largely uninsured.

To address this, Superintendencia de Seguros de la Nación (SSN), Argentina’s insurance supervisor, originated the ‘women and insurance’ initiative, an awareness raising and a women-centric approach to product and services development. The initiative was an output of women leaders at SSN benefiting from opportunities to build on their leadership skills and drive women-centric solutions.

The Argentinian regulator was selected in the second cohort of the A2ii Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab where they developed the ‘women and insurance’ initiative further.

This module is a product of the project ‘Empowering supervisors to improve women’s access to insurance’ supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC). Read more about this funding partnership here.