Formación actuarial

The work of actuaries is essential to the insurance industry. By using statistical techniques and mathematical skills, actuaries evaluate complex financial risks and potential consequences. In the insurance business, actuaries price insurance products based on statistical analysis and help establish reserves to ensure companies’ solvency.
The objective of the training is to teach the principles of actuarial concepts and provide tools needed to support effective insurance supervision and regulation.
Find out more about the past actuarial training pilot programme here, and view photos from Actuarial trainings in our galleries.
Past Formación actuarial
Past Formación actuarial
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Nos complace invitarlo a la capacitación virtual “ Desarrollo de capacidades para supervisores de seguros: competencias actuariales”, organizada por la Asociación Actuarial Internacional (IAA), la
La Asociación Internacional de Actuarios (International Actuarial Association, IAA), en colaboración con la Iniciativa de Acceso a los Seguros (Access to Insurance Initiative, A2ii), ha revelado una
La Asociación Internacional de Actuarios (International Actuarial Association, IAA), en colaboración con la Iniciativa de Acceso a los Seguros (Access to Insurance Initiative, A2ii), ha revelado una
Actuarial Training Photo Gallery We are pleased to invite you to the Training “Capacity Building for Insurance Supervisors - Leveraging Actuarial Skills” in Indonesia, Jakarta, jointly organised by