Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
Evaluaciones de países
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Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Asia y el pacifico | 2018
This report contains the findings of a diagnostic study on the provision of microinsurance to rural workers in China. The study was commissioned by the Access to Insurance Initiative and approved by

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, América Latina y el Caribe | 2014
The Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros and AFP (SBS) from Peru has expressed in many international forums its strong commitment and interest to promote financial inclusion in the country.

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, Asia y el pacifico | 2014
This report provides an overview of the development of Mongolia’s insurance market in general and the microinsurance segment in particular, identifying gaps in the insurance regulatory framework that

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, África | 2014
This study forms part of a larger project funded by the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and managed by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) to promote microinsurance development

Informes y publicaciones, Evaluaciones de países, América Latina y el Caribe | 2014
The report analyses among other topics how the insurance market has evolved in the last years, which products have reached some segments of the low income population, how low income population have